Meet Allison Owen, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder & CEO of Sweet Logic


Q: Tell us about your decision at age 27 to retire with $600,000?
We didn’t “retire” at 27, we took a “mini-retirement,” which is an extended break from working a traditional job to travel, discover passions, and start a business. My partner and I knew we wanted to live a different life than the one we were living, so we decided to save up some money and take a break to discover our next step. 

Q: When you made the decision to retire, was it in the plan to start a company?
We weren’t retired in the traditional sense; our plan was to take a break from 9-5 jobs to discover our passions and potentially start a business. Sweet Logic was born out of this break from traditional employment.

Q: For those in our audience not familiar with Sweet Logic, can you tell us about your product line and how it’s going?
AO: Sweet Logic is a line of keto-friendly cake mixes born out of our own struggles remaining consistent on a ketogenic diet. We’re available on Amazon and our website and will be in national retailers next year. Our most popular product is a mug cake mix that is single serving and ready in minutes in the microwave!

Q: When did you and your husband start discussing making Sweet Logic a viable business?
At the end of 2018, we realized that this business could have legs and decided to fully commit to making it a reality. We had dabbled in other side businesses, but decided we needed to fully focus on one to make it a success.

Q: Did you always feel that you had that entrepreneur DNA inside of you?
Yes and no. I’ve always been interested in doing my own thing, having the freedom to live whatever lifestyle I wanted to live, and building something from the ground up. But I never had a lemonade stand and I didn’t actually start my first business until I was 26.

Q: Tell us about the plans you have for the company and has Covid-19 slowed them down in any way?
We had planned to go into retail stores this year, but due to Covid-19 many grocery stores have stopped taking on new products at the moment, so our plans have been pushed to next year. Since COVID hit, we’ve focused on our online sales and have increased our Amazon sales 500% since February.

Q: So, you felt Central Valley in CA wasn’t a good fit … this means you could have landed anywhere in the U.S., why Colorado?
We have always wanted to move near the mountains and my partner Matt grew up on the Western Slope of Colorado, so Denver was an easy decision in that regard. Also, the natural foods industry in Boulder is huge, so it’s been great to connect with lots of other founders and likeminded individuals.

Q: How do you achieve work life balance?
Living in Colorado makes it easy- the mountains are nearby, so we try to get out and hike once a week and go camping and backpacking a few times in the summer. Pre-COVID, we traveled internationally once a year as well. Day to day, I also always try to close my computer and turn off work by 7pm everyday so Matt and I can prepare a meal and enjoy it together.

Q: Can you share with us which woman inspires you?
I love bold, outspoken women who challenge the status quo. My mom has always been someone who lives life on her own terms, so she’s comes to the top of my mind.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue their dream and start a business? 
There’s never a perfect time to start a business and the only way you will fail is if you give up. 

Five Things About Allison Owen

1. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
AOC - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Glennon Doyle, or Brene Brown.

2. What were you like in high school?
I was quiet and reserved, really into horses, and very studious- in all AP/honors classes.

3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I hope to have more time freedom and be spending more time in nature with people I love. 

4. What app can’t you live without?
I’m absolutely addicted to my email. Sadly, every time I open my phone, I have this reflex where I must check it immediately.

5. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?
I have no real musical skills to speak of, but I love the group Sofi Tukker and would just like to dance on stage with them.


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