Meet Angela Csargo, Owner of Angela’s Bodywork & Transformational Therapy
Q: So, why did you decide to pursue a career in Bodywork and Transformation Therapy?
AC: I grew up with my brother and was getting massages from my mom during the school week before bed. Then in time it led to my mom asking for foot massages at night after work, then my brother for his headaches and upper back stress and then naturally evolving working with friends and family over time.
So naturally this primed me to what I would have to call my yellow brick road to who I am and what I do today! I enrolled in Mountain Heart massage School in 1999, in Crested Butte, Colorado and from there I continued my education in Nutrition and Somatic Mind-Body Therapy along with being self-taught in various modalities over the years.
I am inspired by the work I do and the evolution of humanity and our health as a whole and how our mind and spirit have significant impact as to who and what we are as a unique being on this planet through our societal conscious role as well as individual. Like Rumi once said. “Let the Beauty of what you Love, Be what You Do” is how I live my life daily.
Q: Can you share with our advice the types of services you provide?
AC: The best way I describe my work, I am a rehabilitation Therapist and Coach. We as individuals are untapped potential and yet we live in a world that defines, contracts, and limits our potential in our own potential of healing, growing, emerging into what we see (seek) possible and even for some transformative in our current human conscious level. I believe choice is personal not given. If we make one million cells an hour, what thoughts are we choosing to create to manifest who we are inhabiting at this very moment?
The Services I provide can be found through AngelaCsargo.Com, I offer Sports Massage, Neuro-muscular Therapy, Detox-Lymphatic Massage, Nutrition Consultation, Reflexology, Various Healing, and Intuitive Therapies.
Q: Can you tell us why massage is so important to the body even if you’re not in pain?
AC: First off, during this time as the world is witnessing a ‘pandemic’ touch is important, We are social creatures. Lack of touch or being connected, even though just receiving, or giving a hug enriches and magnifies our soul. Lack thereof, has resulted in great psychological impact. Suicides are surpassing the amount of deaths of Covid 19, Mental illness has risen, crime, violence inside and outside of homes.
This is how Massage is important for Mind – Body – Spirit: Massage reduces anxiety, depression, and restlessness; Increases range of motion of the joints and flexibility; reduces foreseen injuries. It helps with flushing toxins out of the body, decreasing pains and aches in the body; reduces or eliminates the need to for surgery; increase blood flow, and regulates our circadian rhythm; helps with insomnia; increases our longevity of living a healthy life; supports digestive system; decreases cancer cells; Increases blood circulation; reduces stress and emotional upset in the body and mind. Receiving a deep and therapeutic massage can burn as many calories as workout.
Q: If we interviewed all your clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with you?
AC: Ha! The joke in my practice is that I am the ‘The Witch Doctor’ I am ‘The Healer’ ‘The Shaman’, ‘I am Magic’ “I am skilled at my Craft”
Q: After high school, where did you feel your career path would take you?
AC: I thought of being an artist such an acrylic painter, fashion designer and well a passion of mine, the study Political Science. All leading me to a life that engaged me in a place that would feel empty and meaningless and even triggered emotional and mentally. My spirit would feel dis-engage.
Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
AC: Life is but a continuum of balance. I by no means have life in ‘what I think’ Is my relationship to balance. But please do share with me someone who has such a life balance, I desire to be their apprentice.
Q: Can you share with us which woman inspires you and why?
AC: Well – many. All women play a beautiful part in our life especially the ones that challenge our core to the depths of our soul being. So therefore, I choose not to list as that just limits the possibility of recognizing each other as a witness, a scholar, a gura, a Goddess that we are on this planet. No better, no worse – we as woman and the powerful medicine we hold and carry throughout our human race.
Four Things About Angela Csargo
1. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
I don’t spend time in what could’ve, would’ve and or should’ve been. Too much of drain and really there is NOTHING we can do about it.
2. What's your favorite type of foreign food?
Thai, Japanese, Mexican, well pretty much anything that my palate desires moment to moment.
3. What are your hobbies?
Painting, Reading, Learning, Dancing, Nature is needed often, cooking, traveling, laughing and simply being.
4. Who is your favorite author?
I have many, to name a few: Joe Dispenza; Alberto Villodo; James Redfield; Christiane Northrup; Alan Seale; Jen Sincero; Pema Chodron; Eckhart Tolle; Jerome Groopman; Michael Greger; Michael Singer; Neale Donald Walsch; Bruce Lipton.